Coffee Can do Great Things for Your Scalp and Hair.
... and it works great for absolutely any kind of hair.
In this quick article, we'll make a good quality "Coffee Mix" and learn the quick tips & tricks to applying it properly for maximum benefit.
If you don't already, you really should use organic coffee.
If you're not sure why this is, have a quick read of our article
"Scrubs - The Coffee Type You Should Use".
You can use non organic, but organic is much better.
Bring a beautiful shine to your hair by using
an anti-fungal. anti-microbial and anti-bacterial
coffee rinse. All natural. No chemicals needed.
Brush-Thru & Rinse.
Making a coffee mix for our hair isn't much different from what we would do to make a facial or body scrub. The only difference is that we want our mix a bit more watery, so it's easier to apply throughout the hair strands.
There are 3 ways to make a coffee mix: (in order of best method first).
Use fresh unused coffee grounds. (Best).
Use some used coffee grounds from a coffee machine. (Pretty good).
Use instant (organic) coffee from a jar. (Good).
Number 1 is the best to use because the coffee still contains all of it's caffeine plus it's other natural nutrients. They haven't yet been drained away into your belly!
Number 3 is good, it's just that the general quality of instant coffee isn't as good as the coffee we would use in a coffee machine. However, you will still see and feel a benefit from using instant. (Don't use de-caff, please!).
Just Coffee & Water.
... and maybe an extra ingredient or two.
The good news here is that this is very simple to make. It literally is just a balance of coffee & water, and a sprinkle of a few other organic ingredients.
To make your mix, you can use a cup or a mug, or a bowl or a dish. Whatever is easiest for you.
Let's rock ...
'Le Mix'.
Below, we'll look at the other ingredients we need for ultimate results.
You can either just go with coffee & water on it's own or you can add the below ingredients into your mix. As stated, for best results, try and include as many of the below ingredients as you can.
Let's take a look.
What They Do.
Some Salt - Salt is one of natures most potent anti bacterial substances.
Perfect for preventing dandruff and any fungal growth from occurring and for getting rid of any bacteria ( bacteria = odour).
A Few Rose Petals - Rose petal is a potent and beautifully natural hair conditioner (not many people know that). It also naturally moisturizes the tresses of your hair and is great at preventing dandruff. Good for adding a natural shine to your hair.
Some Cucumber - This simple vegetable is absolutely great for the health of you hair. A good natural source of Pantothenic Acid, vitamins A and K, manganese and potassium, there's a lot of 'hair & scalp health' to be gained form using cucumber. (It also helps to maintain a healthy Ph balance for your hair).
Little Bit of Lavender - Another one of natures' (many) wonders. This simple herb will help prevent bacteria and fungus from occurring on your scalp and will also help to give a nice natural shine to your hair.
Aloe Vera - A plant which is well known for it's many health benefits, but did you know it's also great for the health of your hair and scalp too? Containing vitamins A, C, E, B12 and Folic Acid along with it's skin soothing properties, Aloe Vera helps bring a natural and healthy shine to your hair.
Some Ginger Herb - Ginger boosts blood circulation to the scalp. As a result, ginger stimulates hair growth and strengthens the hair root and follicles. Also, the many fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals present in Ginger can strengthen hair strands, which aids in preventing hair thinning or even hair loss.
Some Ginger Herb.

Aloe Vera.
Some Salt.

A Few Rose Petals.

Some Cucumber.
Little Bit of Lavender.

Ideally ...
We could just walk into our own garden and collect our own freshly grown ingredients, but unfortunately most of us don't have that luxury. So, if you can't pick up these ingredients locally to you, you can probably order them online.
For the herbs and rose petals, you can use an extract or powdered form if you find it easier to do so. Just follow the instructions on the packaging of whatever you purchase.
Righty then, let's get to it. Just look for the hair type closest to yours.
Short & Sexy.
Shorter Hair Mix. ​
Place 3 teaspoons of coffee into a larger cup or mug.
Then we'll add the following ingredients :-​​​
Rose Petals.
Aloe Vera.
1 & a half
Tea spoons.
4 or 5
3 or 4 slices.
1/2 a teaspoon.
1 teaspoon.
1/4 of a teaspoon.
3. Add some water. We'll only need between half a cup to 3/4 of a cup, it
depends on your hair length. You'll want enough to get it all almost wet.
4. Mix it all up. Ideally, pour it onto a blender and give it 3 seconds 3 times.
If you don't have one of those, use a fork (better than a spoon) and give
it a good stir for around 20 to 30 seconds.
Either pour the mix into a dish or bowl or use your cup or mug.
We're good to go.
Scroll down the page to your next step, titled:-
Rub it in why don't you.

The Curly Girly.
Curly Hair Mix. ​
Place 4 teaspoons of coffee into a larger cup or mug.
Then we'll add the following ingredients :-​
Rose Petals.
Aloe Vera.
4 or 5 slices.
1 teaspoon
2 teaspoons.
Half a teaspoon.
6 or 7.
2 & half teaspoons.
3. Add some water. How much depends on your hair length. You'll want
enough to get it all almost wet, so for hair around shoulder length, we'll
be looking at around a full mug or large cup.
4. Mix it all up. Ideally, pour it onto a blender and give it 3 seconds 3 times.
If you don't have one of those, use a fork (better than a spoon) and give
it a good stir for around 20 to 30 seconds.
Either pour the mix into a dish or bowl or use your cup or mug.
We're good to go.
Scroll down the page to your next step, titled:-
Rub it in why don't you.

Angel's Afro.
Afro Hair Mix. ​
Place 4 teaspoons of coffee into a larger cup or mug.
Then we'll add the following ingredients We'll use extra Aloe V here.​
Rose Petals.
Aloe Vera.
5 or 6 slices.
1 teaspoon
4 teaspoons.
Half a teaspoon.
Around 10.
2 & half teaspoons.
3. Add some water. How much depends on your hair length. You'll want
enough to get it all almost wet, so for hair around shoulder length, we'll
be looking at around a full mug or large cup.
4. Mix it all up. Ideally, pour it onto a blender and give it 3 seconds 3 times.
If you don't have one of those, use a fork (better than a spoon) and give
it a good stir for around 20 to 30 seconds.
Either pour the mix into a dish or bowl or use your cup or mug.
We're good to go.
Scroll down the page to your next step, titled:-
Rub it in why don't you.

Minxy Medium .
Medium Hair Length Mix. ​
Place 4 teaspoons of coffee into a larger cup or mug.
Then we'll add the following ingredients.​
Rose Petals.
Aloe Vera.
5 or 6 slices.
1 teaspoon
3 teaspoons.
Around 10.
2 & half teaspoons.
1 teaspoon
3. Add some water. How much depends on your hair length. You'll want
enough to get it all almost wet, so for hair around shoulder length, we'll
be looking at around a full mug or large cup.
4. Mix it all up. Ideally, pour it onto a blender and give it 3 seconds 3 times.
If you don't have one of those, use a fork (better than a spoon) and give
it a good stir for around 20 to 30 seconds.
Either pour the mix into a dish or bowl or use your cup or mug.
We're good to go.
Scroll down the page to your next step, titled:-
Rub it in why don't you.

Beautiful & Mature.
Hair Mix. ​
Place 4 teaspoons of coffee into a larger cup or mug.
Then we'll add the following ingredients.​
Rose Petals.
Aloe Vera.
5 or 6 slices.
1 teaspoon
5 teaspoons.
Around 10.
2 & half teaspoons.
1 teaspoon
3. Add some water. How much depends on your hair length. You'll want
enough to get it all almost wet, so for hair around shoulder length, we'll
be looking at around 3/4 of a pint glass or 400 to 450 ml.
4. Mix it all up. Ideally, pour it onto a blender and give it 3 seconds 3 times.
If you don't have one of those, use a fork (better than a spoon) and give
it a good stir for around 20 to 30 seconds.
Either pour the mix into a dish or bowl or use your cup or mug.
We're good to go.
Scroll down the page to your next step, titled:-
Rub it in why don't you.

Long & Lovely.
Longer Hair Length Mix. ​
Place 5 or 6 teaspoons of coffee into a larger cup or mug.
Then we'll add the following ingredients.​
Rose Petals.
Aloe Vera.
8 slices.
5 teaspoons.
Around 12.
3 teaspoons.
1 teaspoon
2 teaspoons.
3. Add some water. How much depends on your hair length. You'll want
enough to get it all almost wet, so for hair around shoulder length, we'll
be looking at around 3/4 of a pint glass or 400 to 450 ml.
4. Mix it all up. Ideally, pour it onto a blender and give it 3 seconds 3 times.
If you don't have one of those, use a fork (better than a spoon) and give
it a good stir for around 20 to 30 seconds.
Either pour the mix into a dish or bowl or use your cup or mug.
We're good to go.
Scroll down the page to your next step, titled:-
Rub it in why don't you.
Rub it in why don't you.
​All we gotta do here is just rubba-dub-dub it all in, all over, every inch or cm, get it right in there. Run your fingers through your hair and get as much coverage as you can.
It's also important that you massage as much as you can into your scalp, the more you do this, the better the end result will be.
Once your all rubbed in, give it a while to soak in. You want around 5 minutes of soak time to allow the nutrients to take effect, or take longer if you like.
Once you're all done here, on to the next step.


No instructions needed here.​
All we need to do is use the brush or comb that works best for our hair and give it a good brushing or combing.
You'll be getting most of the bits of rose petal and the other ingredients out of your hair at this stage.
Once your all brushed, leave it for another 5 mins (or longer) before proceeding to the next step.
& Rinse.
No instructions needed here.​
Rinse baby rinse!
We recommend not using any shampoo or conditioner during rinse time (unless you really need to, it's up to you).
The reason for this is to give our head, hair and bodies a break from absorbing chemicals. We ideally want to keep this as 'Au Naturale' as we possibly can.

Decision decisions. 'Au Naturale' or Blow Dry?
Again, try not not use any chemicals on your hair (unless you really need to, it's up to you).
Leaving your hair dry naturally is the better option, but this doesn't always work well for some girls.
If you blow dry, try to use no heat and gentle blow, or maybe the lowest heat setting possible.
... and then, just like that, she was finished
No instructions needed here either.
All Done.
Have a happy hippie hair day.
You have just done a lot of good for the health of your hair and scalp and you will see and feel the benefit from it.
If it's possible for you to do, try and get a whole day of being chemical free by not placing any hair product on your hair.
If you can't get a whole day, try and get as many hours as you can before using your usual hair products.

Once a Month.
Quick & easy wasn't it. Our 'Brush-Thru & Rinse' procedure can be used whenever you feel like you need a hair boost, but once per month is perfectly fine.
If you can include this simple and natural procedure into your monthly regime, you'll have one happy healthy head of hair all year long.
And that's all.
Thank you very much for reading our article. We hope you find it helpful and that your hair loves it's new totally natural chemical free treatment procedure
Happy Healthy Hair = Happy Shiny You.